A Novel and Secure Model for Sharing Protected Health Record (PHR) Based on Blockchain and Attribute Based Encryption

Document Type : Original Article



2 Department of Computer Engineering, shahed university, iran

3 Department of Computer Engineering, University of Qom, Qom, Iran,


With the development of electronic information technology, electronic medical records (EMRs) are considered a common way to store the patients’ data in hospitals. This information is recorded and stored in the databases of various hospitals and medical institutions, so patients do not have any control over their medical information. Due to the fact that medical information is one of the important assets of the people and the health system, there are serious concerns about the security and privacy of medical data and how to access this information. One of the most important challenges in e-Health is the storage and access control of medical data. In this paper, we propose a novel, secure and efficient model named SBA-PHR which is based on blocking technology and attribute-based encryption to share and store medical data in such a way as to maintain the user's privacy and fine grain access control. In SBA-PHR we have improved the revocation phase in ABE by using private blockchain. We prove the security of our proposed scheme in the formal model and its proper functioning based on BAN logic and establish its user data confidentiality, patient anonymity and privacy. Moreover, the computational and storage complexity of our proposed scheme demonstrates its efficiency and scalability.


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